For the past two years Eric has been taking Gage hunting but it is so much more than that. Every trip is filled with discussions of life. Last year Eric was explaining the rut, "Son, this is when a Buck tries to have sex with a doe." "Dad if that is what is going on around here, I don't want anything to do with it." Eric and I have decided no matter how uncomfortable a topic can be we would rather our boys hear the truth from us instead of the world. This way they can have a healthy base for the information they are exposed to. Every time he begins to ask questions I am not ready for him to ask my heart breaks as he heads off on another hunting trip. His childhood innocence is leaving quickly and I want to hold on to these moments of magic and fairy tale. I have to remind myself it is our job as parents to train him in life not hide him life. I am so proud of the man he is becoming and tuck these wonderful memories in my mother's heart. It is not easy but I look forward to the day it will be worth it.