To scream or not to scream that is the question. I am trying because of my screaming habits to wake up at least 15 minutes before the chaos starts at my house and read Jesus Calling (amazing book). This morning was all about trusting God and being Quiet. Right in the middle my alarm starts blaring because we hit snooze instead of off. I try to continue to focus on scripture But the boys wake up and to start the day before I am ready.
Here is my perfect plan, the boys get dressed from head to toe (clothes have already been set out the night before) and put up their PJ's, I feed them breakfast while I read a bible study then they clean up their dishes. Next they should brush their teeth & Hair then clean up the bathroom. Lastly they get their backpacks (which also were set out the night before) so we can head to the bus. The plan is set out to make them responsible and me less stressed so I can avoid the screaming habit.

Now that was my plan this is what Actually happens. It was picture day so I picked out their outfits, which we forgot about last night because we were cutting hair for pictures. Hutch and Gage put on the wrong size pants and could not figure out why they wouldn't fit. Curtis is still laying on the floor under his blanket trying to hide. The milk is already in the cereal so the scream is getting in my throat. After finally getting dressed Hutch starts to put on his play shoes because he can't find his school shoes. Of course this will not due because they dressed nice for picture day, so the plan needs him to wear his nice shoes. 1st screams comes at Curtis who is now naked standing in the kitchen wanting to eat breakfast. I find Hutch's shoe (in the closet on the shoe rack). Now Curtis can't find his shoes. At this point I am giving up on pictures and he can wear play shoes. Yet another scream comes about breakfast because the cereal is soggy. During the bible study (Guilt filled mom reads about not worrying because God will take care of you) Gage reminds me I said I would make lunch for them today. So I begin to put their lunch together and scream yet again rushing them off to brush their teeth and hair. I now realize I have not put fruit in their lunch and can't find the apples. Thankfully Eric appears and saves me because the boys now can't find their backpacks because the left them in the car. As your can guess, Full Scream mode is upon everyone as we rush off to the bus stop.
Mom Lesson: As I find Gage's lunch box in the front seat, see Curtis school shoes outside in the yard and pick up the PJ's, I am in full Guilt Mode because yet another morning the boys left with my voice screaming in their ears. I look in the magazine basket and see an article in thriving Family about "Perfect isn't the point" Looking beyond unrealistic Expectations to enjoy the moment. I may not have found God in my set time for Him but in that moment He gave me a huge Hug and said it's going to be OK. The article talked about GRACE, we are not expected to be perfect and if we try to be perfect we WILL FAIL. I am still going to try to plan ahead and teach my boys to be responsible but I hope they will know that when everything goes wrong God still loves us. I am still working on my screaming habit and I would love to end this post saying I figured it out BUT I haven't. I am a work in process that Lord loves and right now I am OK with that, Well at least until tomorrow morning.
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10