Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How many lives does a dead cat have?

Super kitty showed up at our house 2 years ago.  Last year she had her first litter of kittens and the boys were ecstatic.  I honestly think they drove the kittens crazy with Love. Since then she has had another litter, at one point I had 9 cats at my house.  I have no intentions of becoming a Cat Lady but sadly if you look at my yard the label fits.

Do not read further if you are a weak hearted animal lover. 
The playful kittens love to hide under my car when we come outside.  I honk and go as slow as I possibly can when I drive away.  BUT the other day I ran over a kitten.  The sight threw me into a full panic because I was going to pick up Curt SO I have to remove it before he gets home.  I force myself to get the shovel and proceeded to scoop the kitten up.  GROSS!!   I know the other animals thought I was crazy.  Screaming and flipping out because this was the LAST thing I wanted to deal with.  I finally throw it into the woods and run to get Curt because I am now really late!   
The weekend passes and I am doing my Monday morning Routine when Eric calls to Say "THE CAT IS BACK"  Something had pulled that dead headless cat back into my front yard!!!  This time I (pulled my shirt over my nose) dug a hole and buried it again.  My first experience of handling a dead pet by myself, and I had to handle the SAME dead cat TWICE. 

Country Girl Lesson:  Life is FULL of uncomfortable situations.  Everyone has things they don't want to deal with.   You could avoid it, make someone else deal with it, OR you could just yank off the Band-Aid, put your big girl panties on and get it over with.  Wasting time worrying about it just makes the task more difficult.  The more you think on something the more of a challenge it can become.  I promise you I did not handle the situation gracefully and I put on quite a show for the good Lord and my other animals, stomping my feet every time the cat fell off of my shovel, but I did do it (poorly, which is why I had to do it again but that's another lesson).
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?  Matthew 6:27 

*Anyone want to save the life of 3 kittens?  I would love for you to take them before this story repeats itself.*

1 comment:

  1. Someone just asked to fish my pond and took 2 kittens. Great trade for me :)
