Saturday, November 30, 2013


We just had the annual Galloway Paintball fight.  We have been playing since Eric and I were in college.  We started with a few trees and pump guns.  NOW Mr Gary has a 4 acre field that includes a speed ball course in the middle and two main forts, one with a crows nest.  The ages and guns vary but let me warn you that age does come before beauty when they are carrying a fully automatic gun.

This year the grand kids have become very excited about playing.  It was a great day filled with plenty of paint and lots of Stories.  It is fun to watch the personalities of the kids come out.  Sawyer shot everything even if nothing was there.  Evie was new to game but was up for anything.  Gage is a glory days type of player, most of his stories get better as he tells them.  The highlight story came from the game where all the kids decided to cover the fort by staying in the crows nest.  Of course the parents got caught up in the actions and left the kids behind to "guard" the fort by them selves.  All of a sudden you hear across the entire field Hutch screaming at the top of his lungs over and over again.   When we asked that kids what happened Evie said, "I told him they would stop shooting him if he got out of the door way".  It seems that when heavy fire came on the crows nest Hutch was taking cover  in the entry way.  When we asked him why he wouldn't get down he responded "I was out and they wouldn't let me climb down."

#City Girl lesson
I have heard all types of debates about gun safety.  I used to be indifferent to the discuss.  But in the last couple of years being surrounded by guns, we had to train our children about guns.  This way they have learned at a young age an healthy respect for the danger that Guns can cause.  It required effort on our parts to train and teach.  We as a nation are getting confused by dealing with the consequence of not training kids properly and handling a problem before it presents itself.  Listen I am still new to this so if you want to get into a discussion about Gun Control my husband would love to battle it out with you.  But I will say, Train your child how to handle themselves before they are faced with situations.   An important part of parenting is to prepare your children for life and don't shield them from it.

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

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